ephs64 Notes and Thoughts

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06/16/14 11:08 AM #27    

Nicholas Goodhue

The following shortened form of the URL cited by John may work for some of you:


Note that the subject of this story is Miss USA, not Miss America (as is clear from the article itself, despite the "miss america" in the long-form URL).

06/16/14 11:33 AM #28    


Paul Riecks

I was privieged to attend the 50th Reunion and I am truly grateful to all of you for making me feel a part of the celebration and the pride. My thanks go to Dave Macpherson and Bob Furey for a magnificent job of organizing everything and to Gay Mayer for reeling me back in. Some of you asked me to post what I said at the luncheon the other day in support of a liberal arts education.

Human survival and progress has been made possible by optimism-by the belief that we are going to make it or that our idea will work. That optimism is based on our belief that the information or idea must exist somewhere that will see us through. That optimism is also sparked by exposure to the existence of a huge storehouse of knowledge based on countless years of human experience. We don't have to know it all. We can't even know it all. We just have to learn how to look for it and then go look for it. By exposing us to a variety of disciplines a liberal arts education prepares us for a lifetime of learning so that we never stop looking for what we need to know  when we need to know it.

06/17/14 09:34 AM #29    

David Macpherson

Take a look at 64 Photo Galleries. The class photos taken in the Hockey Rink have been posted already.

06/17/14 09:14 PM #30    

Gay Mayer (Mayer)

More pictures are on the way -- AND if you have photos you would like uploaded to the site -- please send therm to Darlene --- dja1@williams.edu


We have a few -- now i need to figure out how to get them out of the camera....



06/19/14 12:02 AM #31    


Martin Wasserman

A rainy Wednesday night after a glorious 50th reunion weekend . It was so great meeting old and new friends and their spouses.

I am in the midst of writing our class notes , so please send any information to me.




01/17/16 11:16 AM #32    

Jay Freedman

As a neophyte to posting any message on the website, I am not sure I am putting this in the correct place on the website. If I am incorrect, i would appreciate anyone re-posting it properly. I have the unfortunate role of informing you of the death of our iconic classmate, and friend to many, Joel Reingold. Joel suffered a major stroke on December 18th and suffered a number of reverses since then. He passed away in the early mornig hours yesterday. His daughter, Rachel Mucahy, has arranged a gathering to remember Joel's life on January 30th from 2-5 p.m. at Sperry's Restaurant in Saratoga Springs, NY. It is located at 33-1/2 Caroline Street. If you think you will be able to attend, let me know at jfreedman@foley.com so I can advise Rachel. Obviously, feel free to share your thoughts here.

01/18/16 09:27 AM #33    


John Cannon



Just seeing his name

makes me smile


and he’s been making me smile,

or laugh uproariously,

for more than 60 years.


Let’s face it ―

most of us are ordinary ―


Oh sure, we have occasional

flashes of uniqueness,

some exceptional moments,


but, mainly, we follow

ordinary paths.


Not Joel.


No, Joel was extra-ordinary

throughout his life.


He thought

and lived


outside the box.


No way you could,

or ever would want to,

keep him in the box.


He was





and always drawn

to the unusual, the unexpected,

the exciting edge of living.


As I smile, I think of him

as a blazing comet


sent to us

as a precious gift


to bring

a dazzling burst of light

into all our lives.



01/18/16 07:01 PM #34    

Jay Freedman

John - Beautifully expressed. In my prior posting, i misspelled Rachel's name. It is Rachel Mulcahy and her email is rimucahy@gmail.com. Jay

12/28/19 10:01 AM #35    

David Macpherson

12/28/2019: Following email received from Sarah Foehl this morning. We have lost a classmate and true friend.

John died so very peacefully at 6:40 this morning.  I wish I could tell you all individually but I am sure you understand.  John and I had a great ride for 59 years. So many wonderful memories.  So many close, special friends that we were so very lucky to have in our lives.  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being there. We will have a celebration on Friday at 11:00.  If you are able to attend I look forward to seeing you at the reception.  Xxx’s Sarah

02/27/20 11:32 AM #36    

David Macpherson

The mini-reunion is on the weekend of October 2-4 (2020) with the following temporary schedule:

FRIDAY, October 2


NOON – 5:00PM       Check In for weekend to pick up name tags, schedules & buttons, Lobby,’62 Center

2:00PM                       Tours. Classes.

3:30PM                       Admissions through the Years, Centerstage (or AMT), ’62 Center 

5:00PM                       Welcome Reception, Alumni Center (or Center Stage Lobby)

6:00PM                       All Classes Dinner, Faculty Club

8:00PM                       Abraham In MotionMainstage, ’62 Center 

SATURDAY, October 3


8:30-9:30AM              Traveling Ephs Breakfast, The Faculty Club
9:30AM – NOON       Check In for weekend to pick up name tags, schedules & buttons, 

                                    Lobby,’62 Center

10:00AM                     Conversation with President Maud Mandel, Mainstage, ’62 Center

11:15AM                     Academic Lecture, Mainstage, ’62 Center

NOON                                    Home sporting events, Williams Campus

1:00PM                       Williams FootballThe Log

5:00                             Wine and Dinner for the class of ’64 will be held at the 

                                    Macpherson’s home: 242 North Hoosac Road, Williamstown 


9:00PM                       Reunion Jazz Band Concert, Location TBD


These weekends have always been a wonderful time to reconnect with our classmates and find out what is new on campus. We would love to see you there, so reserve the dates on your calendar.

Bob Furey/Dave Macpherson

08/07/21 11:35 AM #37    


John Cannon

Hi All - -

I was thinking about the 3 books we were given for Freshman Orientation.  Does anyone remember the othre 2 books besides "The Two Cultures" by C. P. Snow?

Thanks and best regards to all, John Cannon

08/08/21 11:51 AM #38    

Walter Nicholson

In addition to C.P. Snow, we read W.W. Rostov The Stages of Economic Growth.  I do not remember the third, but think it might have been a novel, perhaps by Virginia Woolf.  As an aside, the Wikipedia entry on Rostov makes very interesting reading.


08/08/21 12:28 PM #39    


Robert Furey

I believe that the third book was in the field of science and had something to do with the origins of the universe. Sometime tonight, the title or author might come to me...or not. I do think that it had a cover that was basically red with some orange/yellow,blackish...or not.

08/08/21 05:13 PM #40    


Robert Keidel

George Gamow, One, Two, Three...Infinity--I think.

08/08/21 05:16 PM #41    


Dick "Skip" Dunn

Was "I and Thou" by Martin Buber one of those books?

08/09/21 10:33 AM #42    


Richard Plumer

I'm pretty sure the third book was The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis or perhaps his Mere Christianity. One or the other.

Dick Plumer 

08/09/21 12:11 PM #43    


Robert Furey

I believe that Rob is right. Snow wrote about a split between science and the humanities so, in addition to Snow, we were given one book from each of those two areas (Rostov/humanities &  Gamow/science) to emphasize the essence of a liberal arts education. However, my color memory was way off; is there any significance to the fact that the color I remembered is also the tip of the rocket?

02/01/22 09:32 AM #44    

David Macpherson

Our illustrious leader retires from coaching:

Concord-Carlisle's Bob 'Doc' Furey never had losing season after coaching three sports for 40 years

A career that spanned half a century across three sports did not include a single losing season?
A man with four graduate degrees; a musician who turned down a recording contract; the former city kid who never intended to become a coach … became one of the state’s winningest.
Bob Furey had the time, the energy, the athletes.
His name belongs permanently attached to Concord-Carlisle High School in some fashion. But not to a gymnasium – he did all of his coaching outdoors.
Furey, or “Doc” as he is known, closed a 53-year association with the school after the Jan. 19 announcement that he was stepping down as girls tennis coach. The end.
Where to start?
He was not simply a tennis coach, a ski coach, a soccer coach.
Social studies, world religions and psychology teacher. Yes, that too.
“Doc was one of those teachers and coaches you hope you have growing up,” said 1998 CCHS grad Kate Merrill, who had him in psych class and played tennis and skied under Furey.
All those seasons in all those sports and not one ended with more losses than wins.
Doc’s answer to the feat sits at the top of this story. Because, well, isn’t it?
A further evaluation reveals a reasonable response.
“Concord has good sports teams for almost every sport and, in part, that’s because there are programs that these kids are in that start when they’re very young,” he said. “I benefitted from that.”
Furey began coaching tennis in 1987, at the junior varsity level and as a varsity assistant. The Patriots won the state title that year. And the next one. His first varsity season as head coach was 2004. The Patriots won the state title that year. And the next one.
His ski teams – both Alpine and Nordic – won more than 12 state championships, with his son and daughter front and center for a number of them. Furey became one of the state’s first ski coaches and taught at CCHS for 45 years, beginning in 1968.
He also coached freshman soccer.
The only disruption in those four-plus decades was a year spent teaching in Austria in 1973-74 with wife Janet and toddler son Joel along for the ride in a Volvo, visiting many European countries.
“We just wanted an adventure and we found one,” Furey said.
His next one involves youngsters in his own backyard.
“The kids really deserve someone who can be there with intensity and commitment and I was getting to the end of that,” he said of his reasoning to leave coaching. “I now have twin 4-year-old granddaughters competing for my attention. It was just time.
“You reach a point where it’s good to have new blood and somebody with new energies coming in.”
'Born to be a teacher'
Furey was born in New York City before moving to Scarsdale, just north of NYC. He played soccer and town baseball, but also trombone, piano and guitar. He sang in the church choir and later in an a capella group at Williams College (the Ephlats) before he was offered a recording contract by a small label during his senior year.
He turned it down. Graduate school (Colgate University) took precedence. His path was the classroom – not a recording studio - partly due to pedigree: his father was an elementary school principal; his mother taught high school math.
“I think,” he said, “I was born to be a teacher.”
(His wife of 56 years, Janet Furey, taught in Weston for more than 30 years before retiring in 2005.)
After earning a history degree at Williams, Furey achieved his master’s in history at Colgate and first came to Massachusetts to study at Boston University for a counseling psychology degree. He performed his clinical training at the prison in Concord and later earned an advanced degree at Harvard.

Furey forever became “Doc” after receiving his doctorate in educational leadership and psychology at UMass-Amherst.
His coaching career (baseball) began in 1965 - the same year he married Janet, who was attending Skidmore College, on 6/5/65 - at Niskayuna High near Albany, New York. The key ingredients to becoming a three-season coach for so long involved Janet’s dedication to the family and his boundless zest.
“Number one, my wife is an extraordinary person who understood that this was part of me and (she) made it possible for me to do these things that I love and have brought us joy.
“I had a ton of energy,” he continued. “In fact, one of the administrators (at CCHS) said to me: ‘Bob, you’re the only person I know who is more excited and energized by the end of the school day than they were coming in.’”
'The team everyone wanted to be on'
Skiing has been a central part of Furey’s life. His parents ran a small boys camp near Plymouth, New Hampshire in the White Mountain National Forest, a spot the family still escapes to as much as possible. Furey’s coaching career at CCHS began in 1971 when Henry Damon asked him to help out with the Alpine and Nordic ski teams.
Furey served as president of the Mass Bay Ski League from 1974-2001 and was a member of the MIAA ski committee from 1980-2010. He was also president of the Loon Mountain (N.H.) Ski Education Foundation and sat on its board of directors.
He passed his passion along to his children. Joel, a 1990 CCHS grad, and Alison, CCHS ‘95, each won state championships as well as the Skimeister Award, which goes to the league champion in combined Alpine and Nordic disciplines.
Alison (Furey) Nowicki, a three-sport athlete and member of the CCHS Hall of Fame, is currently chairman of guidance and counseling department at CCHS. Joel Furey, who lives in Stowe, Vermont, is co-founder of Noble Biomaterials, whose high-tech fiber products are used in hospitals, burn care centers, military installations, US embassies and for the uniforms of past Olympic teams.

Both skied for Williams College and captained the Ephs during their senior years. Their father took no credit for their success.
“I was just sitting back and marveling at what they were able to achieve,” Furey says. “My contribution and my wife’s contribution was feeding them and driving them to races.”
Merrill, WBZ-TV's morning news anchor for the past 18 years who grew up in Carlisle and currently lives in Concord, says Furey kept things light when the stakes were highest.

“He would let us play crazy music and dance in the lodge during states, making sure the atmosphere was always fun and exciting,” said Merrill, who was a big part of WBZ’s blizzard coverage on Saturday morning. “We were the team everyone wanted to be on, because we were the ones at the ski races always having the most fun and that was because we had a coach like Doc.”
Teaching, coaching go hand-in-hand
Furey was no more than a recreational tennis player, taught by his wife, when he joined that sport’s coaching staff at C-C. “I just thought it would be fun,” he said.
And it was.
Maggie Dorr, currently a senior captain at Tufts, was part of C-C's last girls tennis state title in 2015, said Furey “always had a smile on his face. My freshman year we were state champs and our team only continued to get better and better.”
Steve Wells, a ‘99 CCHS grad who has served as the school’s boys soccer assistant varsity coach since 2003, played freshman soccer under Furey. Three years later, Wells played on the first C-C team to reach the state championship game.
“All of his players respected him immensely and we worked hard for him, but we also grew a tight bond as a group,” Wells said. “Part of that (reaching the title game) was the cohesion that Doc helped us build.”
The man with the absurdly impressive record was born with teaching in his blood. Years of education led him to a life in the classroom.
Born to teach, yes, but destined to coach?
“I always felt being a teacher made me a better coach,” he said, “and being a coach made me a better teacher.”

02/02/22 06:30 PM #45    


Robert Diforio

Wow.  What a record. What a legacy.  Well done "Doc."

Bob Diforio


02/03/22 11:14 AM #46    


Robert Furey

thanks bob. I was blessed with talented and dedicated athletes. If you have the fastest horse, you will probably win the race! I was just there for the ride.



09/29/23 03:22 PM #47    

David Macpherson

Testing your memory:

Buffalo Bill ’s


               who used to

               ride a watersmooth-silver


and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat



he was a handsome man 

                                                  and what i want to know is

how do you like your blue-eyed boy

Mister Death


Your essay's are due on Prof Stocking's desk by 3:00 Friday, Oct 12, 1960.

09/30/23 12:46 PM #48    

Walter Nicholson

Thanks David for posting Buffalo Bill's Defunct.  This brought back many memories of first year English with Jigs Gardner.  Because I really struggled with the course (including not having anything useful to say about the ee cummings poem) I met with Jigs often, trying to avoid failure.  I do not remember his specific advice and I never got very good at writing English essays.  But getting to know him was a great treat.  He was perhaps the most independent thinker I encountered at Williams.  He was easily distracted into current events and I always learned something from our too frequent meetings  One benefit of the Internet is that a lot of things Jigs wrote in later life are readily available.  Classmates who fondly remember him could spend a nice afternoon reading his stuff and learning a bit about his life.

Walter Nicholson


10/01/23 07:07 AM #49    

Jay Freedman

Do I recall correctly that, for the final exam that first semester, he just wrote the word "sex" on the blackboard and left the room?  Then, I do remember meeting with him to receive my grade and he said, "Congratulations Freedman, you passed." I assume I was relieved. I will check out his later writings.

10/01/23 03:49 PM #50    


Robert Furey

at random times two parts of the poem pop into , my mind



how do you like your blue-eyed boy

Mister Death

I have no idea why these phrases have stuck with me after 60+ years


what triggers the response

but i did learn to love e.e.cummings poetry and the teaching of Fred Stocking

10/01/23 05:30 PM #51    

David Macpherson

Walt - I had Jigs 2nd semester. What an interesting guy! I had a snowball fight with him outside the library one afternoon. I think he was trying to get me to relax and have some fun - and think some too.

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